Daily Archives

June 10, 2015

What it takes to be a great leader

jessica.mattsson By jessica.mattsson1 min read296 views

Even though leadership expert Roselinde Torres’s Ted Talk dates back to 2013, the question she deals with is hot topic:

What makes a great leader today?

Roselinde Torres has spent 25 years studying the question, observing more than 4’000 companies. She comes to the conclusion that there are three questions to be posed :

  • Where are you looking to anticipate the next change to your business model or your life?

By observing yourself – your whereabouts and your environment – and then analyze it can help you detect upcoming shifts and important changes.

  • What is the diversity measure of your personal and professional stakeholder network?

Your network is important. If you are capable of collaborating with people that think and act fundamentally differently than you, together you can more easily identify new patterns and disruptive trends.


  • Are you courageous enough to abandon a practice that has made you successful in the past?

Finally, do you dare get out of comfortable and familiar practice ? Chose new paths, even if it implies taking risks?

Anticipating new trends, socializing and working with people with other backgrounds and perceptions than you allow you to stay ahead and prepare for the future rather than undergo it.

Leaders of the 21st-century see around corners and are already prepared for whatever tomorrow will bring.