5 Tips To Avoid Loneliness On Your Entrepreneurial Journey

In her article, 5 Tips To Avoid Loneliness On Your Entrepreneurial Journey, Valerie Priester explores “five essential tips to help you stay connected, supported, and fulfilled as you navigate the entrepreneurial path”. By developing your network, seeking mentorship, creating a daily routine, and volunteering you will feel well surrounded and ...
Shattering Glass Ceilings – Debunking Myths About Women And Career Advancement in Midlife

Five - quite deep rooted - myths are discussed in Michele Molitor’s article Shattering Glass Ceilings – Debunking Myths About Women And Career Advancement in Midlife.I myself wholeheartedly advocate to diminish Myth No 3: “You should have it all figured out”. It is ok to wanting change in your professional ...
How to Evaluate a Startup Before Joining

Many people dream of working at a startup. However, it can be a risky step. The article How to Evaluate a Startup Before Joining, published on allbusiness.com, highlights less traditional aspects, such as growth potential, funding position and approach to failure, to take into account before making a decision.
Take Charge Of Your Personal Growth to Thrive Amidst Change

It cannot be emphasized enough, continuously building on your skills and learn new ones is essential to survive in today’s job market. In her article Take Charge Of Your Personal Growth to Thrive Amidst Change , Emily Lewis-Pinnell gives great advice on how to not fall behind by investing in ...
Are You A Leader Or A Follower?

In his article Are You A Leader Or A Follower?, Travis Bradberry asks some excellent questions which largely help you understand whether you have the profile of a real leader. Like Bradberry says “Leadership and followership are mindsets”, it is true, either you are born a leader or you are not. So ...
What it takes to be a great leader

Even though leadership expert Roselinde Torres’s Ted Talk dates back to 2013, the question she deals with is hot topic:What makes a great leader today?Roselinde Torres has spent 25 years studying the question, observing more than 4’000 companies. She comes to the conclusion that there are three questions to be ...